News & Blog
Solar Energy Management Apps – Maximising the Benefits of Solar
As more and more people recognise the environmental dangers of continuing to rely on fossil fuels, greater investment...
Solar Monitoring Best Practices Mark
The Solar Monitoring Best Practices Mark is a self-evaluation-based label to promote transparency and excellence in...
Meet i-EM at K.EY – The Energy Transition Expo
Key Energy 2023 is a leader exhibition for renewable energy, storage systems, energy efficiency, urban regeneration,...
Exploring the Benefits of Monitoring Systems for Solar Infrastructure
Optimising system performance At a time when environmental and energy security concerns are prevalent, solar power...
Microgrid – predicting and controlling future power demands in remote environments
Every ecosystem on the planet is finely balanced and tuned. Synergistic and complex hierarchies ensure that every...
Join i-EM at Enlit 2022
i-EM is ready to exhibit at ENLIT. Enlit Europe is the guiding light event for the energy sector that brings clarity...
i-EM innovation grows with SynerLeap, the ABB innovation hub
i-EM is honored to be a part of SynerLeap, the ABBs initiative for innovation transfer across industries through...
Let’s talk about Smart Utilities, with Regione Toscana
The impact of renewables on the grid and the optimal management of energy has always been the constant commitment of...
A week at WCPEC-8 with i-EM
WCPEC-8, The 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion will take place from 26 – 30 September 2022 in...
At FLEXCON with SmartEN
Ready to go again. Our CTO Ciro Lanzetta will be back among the smart energy experts from all over the world, in...
i-EM at AGICI meeting to talk about digitalization
Digitalization and digital transformation as key to the energy ecosystem revolution. Our CEO Emilio Simeone will be at...
i-EM Winner of the ABB Smart Power Challenge 2022
i-EM wins the ABB Electrification Startup Challenge 2022 for Smart Power. ABB Electrification’s Startup Challenge in...
ABB Electrification – Startup Challenge
i-EM finalist at ABB challenge. Today - Wednesday, May 4, we were selected among the finalists of the challenge...
i-EM at EM-POWER with Solar and Grid solutions
We have just returned from the three days at HYDRO2022 in Strasbourg, where we talked about how i-EM optimizes the...
i-EM, meeting point between excellence of the territory
i-EM with FlySight and siHealth, the other companies of the Flyby group, are representing a meeting point between the...