The MOWGLI project at ESA Space2Connect Energy Forum

Jun 6, 2023

At the ENERGY FORUM ON SPACE FOR SUSTAINABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY, 9th June in Matera (IT), i-EM Chief Technical Officer Ciro Lanzetta will be speaker to tell MOWGLI project, accomplished with ESA’s support, in collaboration with IESA, the India Energy Storage Alliance and The Customized Energy Solutions.

His presentation will be focusing on a short description on the i-EM activities on the Micro renewable Grid for rural Indian areas. MOWGLI is a satellite-based solution that provides a set of services for optimal microgrid planning, designing and O&M operations in urban and rural areas of developing countries, with particular focus on India use case.

«We are very happy to collaborate on the MOWGLI project, hoping to facilitate Indian rural electrification by means of sophisticated software and hardware platform  and interactive dashboard for microgrids planning and installations, it’s periodic maintenance and to promote energy awareness among local communities for optimal use of renewable energy sources.»


Nitin Akhade, Consultant – Rural Electrification & Livelihoods, Emerging Technologies & Markets, Customized Energy Solutions.


Discover more about MOWGLI

Simulating and management of the Grid Edge.

x-EM is the solution for Commercial & Industrial prosumers (C&I) Balance Service Providers (BSP) and Distributor System Operators (DSO) for the simulation and management of the Grid Edge.

x-EM supports BSP and C&I for the plan and management of microgrid protfolio on the local DSO node.
