Home charging stations and power system stability
Looking at the Sky for Data
Satellites: what they are and how we use them
WORD OF THE DAY: Satellite
A brief recap of satellites world
WORD OF THE DAY: PR (Performance Ratio)
Floating Photovoltaic applications state of the art
If you have no more land, why not use water?
Floating Photovoltaic applications state of the art
You will not believe your eyes!
Focus on Augmented Reality (AV) and Virtual Reality (VR) projects
Putting the (block)chain on your e-Vehicles
Use of the blockchain technology in the e-Mobility sector
Let’s exchange ideas, not apples!
How to avoid code conflicts between developers
Solar plants monitoring success case
Assets management improvement via three-steps procedure
Everybody does mistakes. Only the best can measure them
Measurement uncertainty: some words on error theory
None like it hot
Detect hot spots with infrared imagery
Data Analysis Ninth Step: Results are only real when shared
Part 10: Data Analysis ninth step: reporting
Data Analysis eight step: Service, delivered!
Part 9: Data Analysis eighth step: deployment
Data Analysis seventh step: Aim for the extra mile, it’s never crowded!
Part 8: Data Analysis seventh step: fine tuning
Data Analysis sixth step: Are we (really) done?
Part 7: Data Analysis sixth step: validation