Satellite data for solar applications in the renewable energy sector – Part 2
Month: October 2019
So far, so good. But: failure is coming… Predictive maintenance for PV solar assets
Who should read: Solar Asset Managers and O&M Contractors Why you should read: Reading this document will help you...
MOWGLI (MicrO reneWable Grid for ruraL Indian areas) project on ETN magazine
AUTHORSCiro Lanzetta and Fabrizio Ruffini. ABSTRACTThe Mowgli feasibility study started in 2018 funded by the European...
i-EM MOWGLI project on ETN (Emerging Technology News) magazine
We're proud to announce that the Indian magazine ETN (Emerging Technology News) has dedicated an important space to...
SP4GO: space-based services for smart grid & electricity grid O&M
Smartgrid Our Software as a Service products introduce intelligence in the management of the grid, improving...
MOWGLI: MicrO reneWable Grid for ruraL Indian areas
From siting to end-user services, our suite of software and app allows to efficiently manage a microgrid project both...
Will be (a fault) or no will be? This is the (predictive) question!
How to predict incoming faults and live happily ever after – Part 1